Use your voice. You matter and your happiness matters.




“Confronting people who have hurt you is difficult and anxiety provoking, but it’s absolutely necessary. Maybe you don’t want to speak up because you’re afraid of being judged and ostracized. Or maybe you’re afraid to use your voice because you don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or make waves. You might even stay silent because you aren’t entirely sure your feelings are valid or worth sharing, so you keep them to yourself in hope that they’ll fade and resolve themselves. But the truth is that when you hold in how you feel, you aren’t helping the other person or the situation, and you definitely aren’t helping yourself. The only thing your silence does is perpetuate your hurt and prevent you from healing and moving on. I know it’s scary, but you need to be open and honest about your feelings. You need to use your voice and talk about what’s bothering you. Your feelings are important and they matter. You matter, and your happiness matters. You can’t compromise your wellbeing for the sake of protecting other people’s feelings. You can’t silence your voice if it means fueling your pain. You have to start taking care of the things that matter. You have to start taking care of you.” — Daniell Koepke


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