“Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation and emotional abuse. The gaslighter avoids responsibility for their toxic behavior by lying and denying and making you question facts, your memory, and your feelings. Basically, the gaslighter makes you feel crazy and confused.” — Karen Salmansohn
Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, making them question their own memory, perception, or sanity. According to Psychology Today, gaslighting is a situation that causes you to question your reality and is often practiced by a narcissist, or the gaslighter. Here are 15 relationship behaviors that a gaslighter might display:
- Denying the truth: A gaslighter may deny things that you know are true, making you doubt your own memory and perception.
- Minimizing your feelings: They may belittle your feelings or tell you that they aren’t valid, causing you to question your own emotions.
- Blaming you: A gaslighter may shift the blame for their own behavior onto you, making you feel guilty for something you didn’t do.
- Accusing you of being crazy: Gaslighters may accuse you of being irrational, overly sensitive, or crazy in order to undermine your credibility.
- Controlling your behavior: They may try to control what you do or who you see, isolating you from friends and family.
- Using manipulation tactics: Gaslighters often use manipulation tactics such as guilt-tripping, shaming, or threatening to get their way.
- Withholding affection: A gaslighter may withhold affection, love, or attention in order to make you feel unimportant or unworthy.
- Gaslighting in public: They may gaslight you in front of others to make you look foolish or to undermine your reputation.
- Changing their behavior: Gaslighters may flip-flop between different personalities or behaviors, making it hard for you to know what to expect.
- Making you doubt yourself: Above all, gaslighters seek to make you doubt yourself and your own sanity, leaving you feeling confused, helpless, and dependent on them for validation.
- Playing the victim: They may portray themselves as the victim in every situation, making you feel guilty for causing their pain.
- Twisting your words: Gaslighters may twist your words to fit their own agenda, making it difficult for you to communicate effectively.
- Lying: They may lie to you repeatedly, making it hard to distinguish between what is true and what is false.
- Using triangulation: Gaslighters may use triangulation, or involving a third party in the relationship, to create tension and confusion.
- Making promises they don’t keep: They may make promises that they don’t keep, causing you to doubt their intentions and trustworthiness.
Overall, gaslighters use a combination of emotional manipulation, control, and deceit to undermine your sense of self and your ability to trust your own perceptions. If you suspect that you may be in a relationship with a gaslighter, it’s important to seek help and support from a therapist, counselor, or trusted friend or family member.
75 gaslighting quotes and sayings to help you recognize and deal with narcissistic manipulators:

- “The narcissistic abuser has a talent for making their victim doubt themselves and feel crazy.” – Shahida Arabi
- “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality.” – Stephanie Sarkis
- “The term ‘gaslighting’ comes from a play and film called Gas Light, in which a husband convinces his wife that she is going insane.” – Martha Stout
- “Gaslighters manipulate their victims by causing them to question their own sanity.” – Tracy Malone
- “A gaslighter will deny their own wrongdoing, and try to convince you that you’re the one at fault.” – Elle Silver
- “Gaslighting is like a slow-drip torture that wears down your self-esteem and ability to trust your own perceptions.” – Lisa A. Romano
- “Gaslighters make their victims feel like they’re losing their minds, when really it’s the gaslighter who is in the wrong.” – Amy Marlow-MaCoy
- “The gaslighter’s ultimate goal is to make their victim doubt their own worth and ability to judge reality.” – Ellen Hendriksen
- “Gaslighters use tactics such as denial, misdirection, and blame-shifting to avoid taking responsibility for their own actions.” – Dr. Robin Stern
- “Gaslighters use confusion and doubt to maintain control over their victims.” – Elinor Greenberg
- “Gaslighters often portray themselves as the victim, while making their victim feel like the bad guy.” – Wendy Behary
- “Gaslighters thrive on power and control, and will do whatever it takes to maintain their hold over their victim.” – Shahida Arabi
- “Gaslighters will use any means necessary to keep their victim in a state of confusion and self-doubt.” – Elle Silver
- “Gaslighters are experts at manipulating their victim’s emotions to get what they want.” – Martha Stout
- “Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that can cause long-term damage to a person’s mental health.” – Stephanie Sarkis
- “Gaslighters use tactics such as lying, minimizing, and blaming to make their victim feel like they’re losing their grip on reality.” – Tracy Malone
- “Gaslighters are skilled at projecting their own insecurities onto their victim, making them doubt their own worth.” – Lisa A. Romano
- “Gaslighters are master manipulators who will stop at nothing to maintain their hold over their victim.” – Amy Marlow-MaCoy
- “Gaslighters are skilled at turning their victim’s own thoughts and emotions against them.” – Ellen Hendriksen
- “Gaslighting is a form of psychological warfare that can leave a victim feeling confused, powerless, and alone.” – Elinor Greenberg
- “Gaslighters will use any tactic they can to make their victim doubt their own memory and perception.” – Dr. Robin Stern
- “Gaslighters are experts at exploiting their victim’s vulnerabilities to gain control over them.” – Wendy Behary
- “Gaslighters use tactics such as withholding love and affection to keep their victim in a state of constant fear and uncertainty.” – Shahida Arabi
- “Gaslighters are often charming and charismatic, which can make it hard for their victim to see through their manipulation.” – Elle Silver
- “Where there is much pride or much vanity, there will also be much revengefulness.” – Arthur Schopenhauer
- “Gaslighters will often use the victim’s own words against them, twisting them to fit their own narrative.” – Martha Stout
- “Gaslighters will manipulate and distort reality to make their victim doubt their own perception of the truth.” – Stephanie Sarkis
- “Gaslighters use a combination of lies, half-truths, and manipulation to create a false reality that benefits them.” – Tracy Malone
- “Gaslighters will make their victim doubt their own judgment, making it easier for the gaslighter to maintain control.” – Lisa A. Romano
- “Gaslighters will often isolate their victim from friends and family, making them more dependent on the gaslighter.” – Amy Marlow-MaCoy
- “Gaslighters are often skilled at playing the victim, even though they are the ones causing harm.” – Ellen Hendriksen
- “Gaslighters will use any means necessary to discredit their victim, including lying and spreading false rumors.” – Dr. Robin Stern
- “Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that can leave a victim feeling like they’re going crazy.” – Elinor Greenberg
- “Gaslighters will often use fear and intimidation to keep their victim in line.” – Wendy Behary
- “Gaslighters will use any tactic they can to make their victim doubt their own sanity and judgment.” – Shahida Arabi
- “Gaslighters will often use flattery and compliments to make their victim feel special, before using them to gain control.” – Elle Silver
- “Gaslighters will often use their victim’s vulnerabilities against them, making them feel weak and powerless.” – Martha Stout
- “Gaslighters will often use a combination of love and fear to keep their victim in a state of constant confusion and uncertainty.” – Stephanie Sarkis
- “Gaslighters are skilled at playing mind games, making it hard for their victim to distinguish between reality and fiction.” – Tracy Malone
- “Gaslighters will often use the silent treatment to control their victim, leaving them feeling isolated and alone.” – Lisa A. Romano
- “Gaslighters will often use their victim’s own fears and insecurities against them, making them doubt their own worth.” – Amy Marlow-MaCoy
- “Gaslighters will often use their victim’s empathy against them, portraying themselves as the victim in need of sympathy.” – Ellen Hendriksen
- “Gaslighters will use any tactic they can to maintain their hold over their victim, including love bombing and devaluation.” – Dr. Robin Stern
- “Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that can have a lasting impact on a person’s self-esteem and mental health.” – Elinor Greenberg
- “Gaslighters will often use their victim’s own values against them, making them doubt their own morals and ethics.” – Wendy Behary
- “Gaslighters will often use their victim’s own words against them, twisting them to fit their own agenda.” – Shahida Arabi
- “Gaslighters will often use charm and charisma to manipulate their victim, making it hard for them to see through the manipulation.” – Elle Silver
- “Gaslighters will use any means necessary to maintain their power and control over their victim, including lies and deceit.” – Martha Stout
- “Gaslighters will often use their victim’s own weaknesses against them, making them feel powerless and helpless.” – Stephanie Sarkis
- The worst part about gaslighting is that it undermines your self-worth to the point where you’re second-guessing everything.” – Dana Arcuri
- “Gaslighters will often use guilt and shame to control their victim, making them feel responsible for the gaslighter’s emotions and behavior.” – Tracy Malone
- “Gaslighters will often use emotional blackmail to get what they want, making their victim feel trapped and helpless.” – Lisa A. Romano
- “Gaslighters will often use their victim’s own history and past trauma against them, making it harder for them to leave the relationship.” – Amy Marlow-MaCoy
- “Gaslighters will often use a combination of affection and cruelty to keep their victim off balance and confused.” – Ellen Hendriksen
- “Gaslighters will often use denial and deflection to avoid taking responsibility for their actions and behavior.” – Dr. Robin Stern
- “Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, age, or background.” – Elinor Greenberg
- “Gaslighters will often use a combination of charm and aggression to get what they want, leaving their victim feeling confused and powerless.” – Wendy Behary
- “Gaslighters will often use projection to shift the blame onto their victim, making them feel responsible for the gaslighter’s problems.” – Shahida Arabi
- “Gaslighters will often use the tactic of “divide and conquer” to isolate their victim from their support network.” – Elle Silver
- “Gaslighters will use any means necessary to maintain their power and control over their victim, including physical violence.” – Martha Stout
- “Gaslighters will often use their victim’s past mistakes and flaws against them, making it harder for them to leave the relationship.” – Stephanie Sarkis
- “Gaslighters will often use their victim’s own sense of morality against them, making them feel guilty for not meeting the gaslighter’s expectations.” – Tracy Malone
- “Gaslighters will often use their victim’s own sense of duty and responsibility against them, making it harder for them to break away from the relationship.” – Lisa A. Romano
- “Gaslighters will often use the tactic of “love bombing” to gain the victim’s trust and affection, before switching to devaluation and abuse.” – Amy Marlow-MaCoy
- “Gaslighters will often use their victim’s own compassion against them, making them feel responsible for the gaslighter’s emotions and well-being.” – Ellen Hendriksen
- “Gaslighters will often use a combination of lies, denial, and gaslighting to avoid taking responsibility for their behavior and actions.” – Dr. Robin Stern
- “Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse that can cause long-term damage to a person’s mental health and well-being.” – Elinor Greenberg
- “Gaslighters will often use their victim’s own sense of shame and guilt against them, making them feel responsible for the gaslighter’s behavior.” – Wendy Behary
- “Gaslighters will often use their victim’s own vulnerability against them, making it harder for them to leave the relationship.” – Shahida Arabi
- “Gaslighters will often use a combination of love bombing and devaluation to maintain their power and control over their victim.” – Elle Silver
- “Gaslighters will use any means necessary to maintain their hold over their victim, including threats and intimidation.” – Martha Stout
- “Gaslighters will often use their victim’s own insecurities against them, making them feel unworthy and unlovable.” – Stephanie Sarkis
- “Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation and emotional abuse. The gaslighter avoids responsibility for their toxic behavior by lying and denying and making you question facts, your memory, and your feelings. Basically, the gaslighter makes you feel crazy and confused.” — Karen Salmansohn

These quotes can serve as a reminder that gaslighting is a real and serious form of emotional abuse, and can help victims of gaslighting to recognize the behavior and seek help. They can also help loved ones and support systems to better understand the experiences of those who have been gaslit, and offer support and resources.
Why Read Gaslighting Quotes?
It can be a helpful way to raise awareness about the insidious nature of gaslighting, which is a form of emotional abuse that can have long-term effects on a person’s mental health and well-being. Gaslighting quotes can provide insight into the tactics that gaslighters use to manipulate and control their victims, and can help people recognize the warning signs of gaslighting in their own relationships.
You can learn how to identify gaslighting behaviors, validate your own experiences, and build your self-confidence and self-worth. Gaslighting quotes can also help you understand that you are not alone in your experiences, and that there are others who have been through similar situations.
In addition, these quotes can be a powerful tool for healing and recovery. By recognizing the harmful effects of gaslighting and learning how to stand up for yourself, you can begin to rebuild your sense of self and regain control of your life.
Overall, reading gaslighting quotes can be an important step towards breaking free from the cycle of emotional abuse and reclaiming your own sense of agency and self-worth.
What’s your biggest takeaway from these gaslighting quotes and sayings?