A mistake repeated more than once is a decision.

Mistakes are natural. They are a part of life. We don’t know what we don’t know, after all. Making mistakes is an essential part of learning and progress: They are the raw material our evolution and growth are fashioned from. Trying something and getting an unexpected outcome then adjusting our approach are the positive upsides to mistakes. They are how we get to know more. Do better. Be better. When we make a decision, we are often biased by our past decisions and make the same mistakes over and over again. But when we don’t learn from our mistakes, we are not only making the same mistakes but also making worse decisions. A mistake repeated more than once is a decision.

However, one of my favorite authors, Paulo Coelho, wrote that “a mistake repeated more than once is a decision”. This quote is often used to justify a decision that was made without thinking and was not carefully considered. It’s true that mistakes are costly, but the cost of making the wrong decision can be even higher. When we make a mistake, it is important to learn from it. We can’t just brush it off or ignore it and hope that it doesn’t happen again. If we do, then we are making the same decision again and again and that is not the smartest way to go about things. A decision is a choice between two or more options, and mistakes are made when the wrong decision is made.

Mistakes that keep on occurring eventually become a decision. You decide, and that’s the reason they happen. Had you changed the scenario; things would have been different altogether. If your negligence is pulling the situation to the extent of committing a mistake, it’s definitely your fault. I have to say I think there’s a lot of merit in this perspective. The best way to avoid this is to have someone else help us make the decision. For example, if you are going to buy a house then you should consult an expert in that field before making any decisions on your own.

It is easy to make mistakes in life. The key is to learn from them and do better next time. The sooner you learn from your mistakes, the better your chances of success will be in life are going to be. Mistakes are unavoidable, but they should not be repeated. When we make a mistake, we need to take responsibility for it and learn from it. We also need to learn not to repeat the same mistake again in the future.

It’s a phrase that applies to many aspects of life, but most importantly it applies to business. A business can’t afford to make the same mistakes over and over again. If they do, they’ll be doomed for failure and we know that mistakes are made in business all the time, but there are some mistakes that should never be repeated again. The mistake might have been made because of a lack of knowledge or experience on how things work in the industry or because someone was too eager to take action without thinking about what could go wrong first. Whatever the reason may be, it is important to learn from these mistakes and avoid them in the future.

Good leaders make every attempt to learn and not allow mistakes to repeat themselves by presuming the same choice will produce a different outcome. Don’t let your mistakes become decisions by ignoring the facts. Accept your mistakes and learn from them. Don’t make the decision to make them again.

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