A lot of us spend our time stuck in regret, wishing our lives had turned out differently, and beating ourselves up for the decisions that have led us to this place.

“A lot of us spend our time stuck in regret, wishing our lives had turned out differently, and beating ourselves up for the decisions that have led us to this place. We feel cheated out of a life that could have been something better. We feel angry and sad and disappointed. And most of all, we feel stuck.

In these moments, it’s easy to focus on all of the things that have gone wrong. It’s easy to focus on the loss and the heartbreak and the pain, but it’s also important to remember all of the things that have gone right. It’s important to remember all of the positive experiences and friendships and growth and laughter you’ve gained — things you would have never taken part in, lessons you would have never learned, and people you would have never met had you not veered off the desired path.

The truth is that every time you thought you were missing out on something important, you were given the opportunity to experience something valuable in its own right. Every time life’s obstacles rejected you from something good, you were being redirected to something, or someone, equally wonderful. You may not have ended up where you intended to go, but trust, for once, that you have ended up where you need to be. Trust that you are in the right place at the right time. Trust that every experience has something to offer you. Trust that something that feels like a curse in the moment can blossom into a blessing. Trust that your life is enough. Trust that you are enough.”
— Daniell Koepke

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